My name is Zuzana, I originally come from Slovakia, although have now spent half of my life living in England. I currently live in a magical woodland near Bath, where I offer my bodywork treatments, yoga and breathwork. These hills and woods remind me a lot of my childhood home and I find a lot of peace here. I love any practices that help me get into my body, really feel the aliveness in me, feel the flow within myself and in life, feel the connection to the ground, the Earth and all beings… So I move, dance, walk, garden, breathe, create, sit still and continue learning to deeply listen.

Nature was always my first go to medicine, whether a gentle medicine walk, hugging a tree, or many long hikes and wild camping trips. During my travels in South America I got in touch with yoga, I learned and taught it for 8 months while living at eco-community in Peru. After coming back to London I discovered different forms of dancing which really helped to embody and shift the way I feel. One day came a big surprise, suddenly my back went into spasm, probably herniated discs. The pain was so severe it took me a couple of months to start walking again, but my movement remained limited for at least half year and I felt the weakness in my back for a few years on. This started my journey exploring different physical therapies trying to heal myself. Numerous visits to chiropractors, osteopaths, sports therapists, rolfing… I think each has helped in different way but the weakness was still there. So I enrolled on Sports therapy and Rehabilitation training to learn about the mechanics of the body, and focused on remedial exercise, pilates and chose yoga classes where teachers gave emphasis to proper alignment and muscle engagement. All the effort paid off, I started getting stronger and better aligned and all the knowledge I gained is integrated into the yoga classes I teach and my treatments.
A particular element of Sports therapy training I found fascinating was Myofascial release. I found an amazing teacher Emma Gilmore and completed an advanced training with her. What is special about her approach, coming from a craniosacral background, is the way she listens to the body and holds the space for it to release the constrictions without forcing it or rushing it. This allows for the emotions stuck in the tissue memory to release too and long lasting changes to take place. I very much resonated with her approach, I finally felt ‘home’ and was humbled by the body’s (which I understand as the interconnection of the physical, mental, emotional, soul layer) ability and willingness to heal and find balance. It completely transformed the way I work with my clients, and is teaching me so much about about myself and my attitude to life too.
Along the way, I’ve been diving into various alternative modalities of psychotherapy. Probably because of my connection with nature and time in South America, it started with plant medicines, which showed me how beautiful and powerful we all are in our essence, and that we have the ability to shift into different level of consciousness and gain more insight into ourselves and our ‘story’. Later I discovered we can also access these states through breathwork, meditation or simply by diving into the sensation in the body that the emotions create and welcoming it lovingly. I worked on healing my emotional wounds and conditioning with a few amazing therapists, my favorite modalities being Internal family systems, Qrista method and The Journey. I’m learning a lot about how repressed emotions are stored in the tissues, in cellular memory, and about the process of releasing them as I’m going through my own healing process. I believe that any stubborn physical issues that are not shifting through physical therapy have their roots in old emotions or believes that got stuck in the body.
2023 – Fascia focus on Scar tissue reintegration, Migraines, Tinnitus, TMJ
2021-2022 – Fascia Informed bodywork Advanced diploma with Emma Gilmore – School of bodywork
2021-2022 – Supporting Pregnancy & Postnatal recovery with bodywork – Wellmother
2020-2021 – Yoga teacher training – YMCAfit
2019-2020 – Sports Therapy & Rehabilitation Level 5 – Active Health Group
2016 – Deep Tissue Massage – Shen mantra
2015-2016 – Massage therapy diploma Level 3 – Hillcroft college
2015 – Meditation teacher – British school of yoga
2014 – Nutrition, natural therapy approach – British school of yoga